
Articles on topics relevant to the chairmanship of the university representative body


In the case of an absence lasting longer than one week (e.g. due to a stay abroad, sick leave, other incapacity, etc.), depending on the...

Checklist new members

After a new member has been accepted into the university representation or one of the study representations, the following points must be observed in each case and...

Media Transparency Act

Due to the Media Transparency Act, the ÖH as a body under public law is obliged to make several reports and data updates throughout the year....

New admission Speaker:in

Speakers are generally elected at a meeting of the university representation, but can be appointed for a maximum period of three months if necessary.

Transmission and publication obligations

Transmission obligations to the Control Commission pursuant to HSG 2014: Resolutions on function fees, annual estimates and minutes of resolutions with economic relevance must be submitted electronically.
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