The next exam is waiting and you would like to take advantage of some tutoring to improve your performance?
You want to pass on your valuable knowledge to students?
Do you agree that "like-minded people" can sometimes explain the exam material better?
Then the ÖH's tutoring service for FH students is just right for you!
We provide an exclusive tutoring service that helps you improve your subject knowledge. According to the "matching principle" students are placed with students who are looking for suitable tutors as well as students who are willing to share their knowledge with others.
Here you will find an overview of the subjects offered. Please note that we cannot guarantee offers in every subject or semester, as demand is always dependent on supply. We also reserve the right to only act as an intermediary. We expressly distance ourselves from the further processing and the associated modalities and have no influence on any claim to payment that might result from the tutoring services.