Rainbow flag on the campus of Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
Dear students,
in the last days and weeks one had to read again and againthat hoisted rainbow flags in front of buildings, churches etc. were stolen, demolished or even set on fire by unknown persons. The symbolic effect of deliberately destroying such flags (which stand for openness, inclusion, togetherness and "let live") is devastating and in some places causes outrage, incomprehension and also uncertainty in the LGBTQIA* community. This topic is also on the minds of the students at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, as was shown, among other things, at the LGBTQIA* Stammtisch at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences where these events were also discussed.
Awareness-raising work by the Queer Department of the ÖH at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
The aim of the Queer Department at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences is to deal with LGBTQIA* topics, to advise and support ALL students on this topic and also - as it is now becoming clear again - to do important awareness-raising work. The Standardisation of gender-appropriate and gender-inclusive language within the ÖH as well as the regular LGBTQIA* Stammtisch are the first projects that the Queer Department has initiated so far and initiate the starting signal for further projects in the future.
Open & tolerant university
In cooperation with Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, represented by Rector Dr. Tanja Eiselen and Managing Director Mag. Stefan Fitz-Rankl, a 1.2m wide and 6m long rainbow flag was hoisted on the campus on 23 April 2021. This is to show all students, teachers and researchers that the university is a place of togetherness, openness and tolerance.

Credit: L. Riedmann/FH Vorarlberg (see Regenbogenfahne weht am Campus)
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences stands for an open commitment to diversity, equal rights and equal treatment of all people, in our university as well as in society.
Writes the universy in the course of raising the rainbow flag on the campus of the FH (see Regenbogenfahne weht am Campus)
The team of the Queer Department and the entire ÖH hope to create awareness for the topic and to stand up against discrimination and unequal treatment with this sign. Thanks go to the rectorate and the management, who have welcomed and supported the idea from the beginning.
We are happy to support students in relation to LGBTQIA* issues and are available to help. Ready for enquiries at any time.
Yours sincerely,
Dominic Luidold on behalf of the entire Queer Department