Student representatives report - Highlights from two years of the StV

A highlight of our term as student representatives "ultramedia" for the InterMedia degree programme was our first party at the Schlachthaus in Dornbirn. We hired both a band and a DJ, who together created a great atmosphere. The careful planning and organisation paid off as we saw many happy faces that evening.
Student Representation Design
The positive feedback afterwards was a gratifying confirmation of our work.

As the student representative of the Computer Science & Mechatronics student council, I had the opportunity to experience some unforgettable moments. Organising the inter-year farewell of one of our lecturers at his last lecture was an emotional moment for all involved. The networking meeting at the UAS, where students and lecturers came together to exchange ideas and enjoy a beer, was also a great success.
Alp Arslan, former student representative for Computer Science & Mechatronics
Overall, I had an incredible amount of opportunities and great contacts during my time and would run again as a student representative at any time!